
It’s On! Between Tommy Lee and Howard Stern

Last week, after Heather Lockler was held for a psychiatric evaluation, Howard Stern offered a theory as to what led to her mental state.

He said, quote, “You know what drove this woman crazy? . . . She was married to tommy Lee and Richie Sambora and they made her [effing] insane.”

When Tommy heard about that, he reacted exactly as you’d expect.  He  tweeted “Queen of media!  How dare you blame me for Heathers recent troubles!  That was like 24 years ago you idiot! #CowardSternTimeWarp.

“You should be wishing her well and not bashing me [eff]head!!!  [What the eff] is wrong with you?  I normally don’t respond to this stuff . . . [effing] BS!!”

Heather was married to Tommy from 1986 to 1993, and Richie from 1994 to 2007.

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