
When Your Date Eats Spicy Food on a Date, It Makes You Seem More Attractive


Conventional wisdom says you probably shouldn’t have spicy food on a date . . . because breaking out into a sweat, chugging water, and maybe crying a little hardly seems like a SEXY and SEDUCTIVE scenario.

Well . . . turns out it is.  Who knew?

According to a new study out of St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, when a woman orders spicy food on a date, it makes her see the guy she’s with as about 28% more attractive.

Ordering something sweet has the OPPOSITE effect, and makes the guy less attractive.

Why?  The researchers think it’s because the words we use to describe spicy foods are SEXIER words . . . like “hot” and “intense.”  And then we start associating those words with the person we’re with.

The researchers didn’t test the effect of spicy foods on how men felt on dates, but if their theory is right, you’d think they’d lead to the same positive feelings.


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